NOTE:  rehearsals are generally Thursday evenings  at 7:15pm at the MAC  (see exceptions below). 
Check the club's digital reader-boards for room location.

Welcome to Fall 2024 Balladeers 

(See  schedule below as of  9/24/2024



9/26--Rehearsal, 7:15-8:30, MAC


10/03--Rehearsal, 7:15-8:30, MAC

10/10--Gig--details to be announced

10/17--Gig--details to be announced

10/19--Retreat--details to be announced...begin Xmas rehearsals

10/25--Possible Gig (Rehearsal if no gig)


11/7--Rehearsal, 7:15-8:30, MAC

11/14--Rehearsal, 7:15-8:30, MAC

11/21--Rehearsal, 7:15-8:30, MAC

11/28--Thanksgiving.  No rehearsal